Local Google My Business Ranking
Search for a local business on your mobile phone and you get a selection of the local retailers. But unless your showing up in the top three local businesses on google search, commonly known as the 3 pack, you may as well be nowhere at all. Those 3 top local businesses for your keywords will always have the market share.
The further you go away from your own business and search for local businesses similar to yours, the less you show up. This is set by Google, for some retailers to as small as 1/2 a mile. Thats not a problem when you work with us, as we always aim to get your business noticed, 5 miles and more away from your local area.
If you havn't got a 'GMB', then your seriously missing out on clients, especially if your local business depends on them. Don't worry we have this handy video from Google itself, explaining exactly how to create your business listing. Once created, get in touch with our team to get it to the prime positions, to get you the maximum amount of clients.
Getting your business into the prime positions in the 3 pack for local business takes a lot of ongoing hard work and techniques to keep you in googles good books and to gain maximum exposure for your business. The more people from a larger catchment area, finding your Google business listing in the prime positions, means you'll get a much larger range of potential clients.
' Google '
Heres some examples of what we do for other businesses Google My Business listings
We get you in front of more clients, creating more exposure for your business.
Being found in the top 3 local listing on mobile phones today in searches in google, is a sure fire way for more traffic to your business and website
Don't just be found for one thing, when your business has different models. We expand your keywords exposure, to gain you more of the market share.